

So I've decided I've been going about this all wrong.  Here's the story: There's this guy on POF that sent me a message a while ago, pretty blah, but then he asked my favorite beer. I like beer.  My GBF says it makes people think I'm a lesbian but clearly, I'm okay with that. So anyway, I responded with my thoughts on different beers for different occasions, with different meals and when I'm in different moods. We chatted back and forth a bit and then I stopped responding. Why Disney? Well, he's not cute. I've never been the girl that goes for the model-type anyway, but I am 100% percent not attracted to this guy and I find it highly unlikely that I ever will be. So I stopped responding because I didn't want to "lead him on." Let's face it ladies, we're either a tease or a slut and there is no in between. But after the fact, I started to miss him. Not him, per se, but the conversation.  So I told him he wasn't my type, enjoyed the conversation, etc. and we still talk! He said that's cool, no big deal, and I'm not his type either. (*gasp* Moi? He likes blondes. Gottcha.)

So here's the revelation, online dating isn't "dating" at all. There's no way to tell if you have "chemistry" with a person over the internet.  Obviously even POF can't figure it out (see previous posts).  So instead of being "super-picky" Disney, I'm gonna be open minded Disney. I'm still not responding to "Hi :)" or guys that want pictures of my feet (Foot fetish is not my kinda fetish). BUT, I will respond to any interesting message that I want to respond to regardless of other incompatibility factors such as, kids, cats, unemployed, etc.

The fact is, when I first met the Ex, I told my BFs he reminded me of Elmer Fudd.  He still does by the way. And I spent a lot of years with that man.  First impressions are just that, FIRST.  They are important, but they are not everything. Not to mention, some of my greatest friends are men, so it can't hurt to add to that pot.

Instead of looking at internet dating as "dating" I'm going to look at as internet "mingling" and just go from there. Even if I don't meet my Mr. Right, I may meet his friend :)

AND, I think I come off way different on person than on the internet. For those of you who don't know where my pseudonym came from, it was derived from my dear friend JD based on my bubbly personality and my tendency to move like a Fantasia character when there's no music to speak of. That's not something you can put into text.  I spend my days writing professional, very professional, memorandum so I'm afraid that reflects in my online life more than the true Disney.  The true Disney is part sorority-girl, part bedroom submissive, part intellectual debate enthusiast and then some.  There are just too many shades to Disney for anyone to get a good grasp over the internet. I assume a lot of guys feel the same way.


JD-Maybe said...

best blog post yet.

D said...

I will persevere!