
"That's so random!"

It's been brought to my attention that us ladies are overusing the word "random" to describe ourselves.  This problem was identified by a boy and is not a personal opinion.  I will say that I do not believe I fit into this group.  I'm not random. I'm a Virgo, for god-sake. I plan to make plans and spontaneity is something forced on me by others.

So, why are women so fixed on representing themselves as being spontaneous and without purpose? I think I have an idea.

There's this myth, designed in the 50s I believe, that every woman over the age of 25 is looking for their forever partner and preparing to chain him to the matching twin bed. Although there are woman like this still lurking, most of us, I believe, just want to enjoy our personal lives and focus planning our careers and such.  I assume seeming "random" is a way for a woman to portray that she's out for fun and not sizing up every man she shares an appetizer with to be her lifelong mate.

OR she really is one of these mythical woman and she's in hiding so as not to scare off the timid male.

Either way, stop it. The word is overused and, to be honest, ambiguous.  To the wrong guy your "randomness" could come off as an invitation for unwanted advances or worse, a proposal for an illogical future.  Try a different word, or better yet, just explain whatever image you're trying to portray.

Overuse of this word may kill men... at least on the inside.  Don't worry about seeming spontaneous and focus on being original. And spread the word.

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